Q: What is the tournament venue Google address?
A: 285 Figueroa Street (Monterey Beach House) will take you to the exact tournament site.
Q: What time should I arrive?
A: It’s best to arrive between 7:00-7:15am so you have time to park and get settled before you check in at 8:00am. There is more than enough parking within a short walking distance. Play begins at 9:00 sharp!
Q: Parking available for participants and spectators?
A: There are metered parking right next to the beach tournament venue and also additional overflow paid parking lots within walking distance of the beach. [CLICK HERE FOR PARKING INFORMATION AROUND THE VENUE]
Q: Can I bring my dog to the tournament?
A: Yes, leashed dogs are allowed.
Check out our Volleyball Life tournament registration site for more Q and A.